Modern Day Healing Miracles: Miracles in the Bible, Church History, and Today 

Everyone has heard the term 'miracles', but few may understand that they're not relics from the days of old. Miracles still exist... if you know where to look.

Modern Day Healing Miracles is a follow up on his previous #1 Best Selling book titled.

"Empowering Healing & Hope Through Faith". 

This book explores the notion of miracles and explains how to see and experience miracles. It provides ample evidence of how miracles play a pivotal role in our everyday lives. Once you read the book, you will be enlightened to see how miracles could be as normal as it was when Christ was on earth 2000 years ago.

This eye-opening book teaches you to recognize the signs and focus on who makes miracles possible and why.

In the pages of this book, you'll discover:

  • God is solely responsible for miracles
  • Where miracles exist and how you can see and understand them
  • How to strengthen your relationship with God The miracles in your life
  • How to stop focusing on the negative aspects of a situation and instead focus on what's good
  • How to see problems as possibilities
  • And more!

If you've ever prayed for a miracle or stopped believing in miracles or anything in between, this spiritual guide will help you learn the truth and will strengthen your faith.

Here are ten Testimonies that should convince you that our Lord continues to heal those who ask God in faith.

Healing Miracle Testimonies

TESTIMONY 01-God the Healer: From an Impossible to a Beautiful Baby

“We are still attending follow ups once a year and the Neuro doctor is amazed and very happy whenever he sees him. Praise God! He’s doing well in his school and being a witness for Christ.”

Praise the Lord. God has given me a miracle child. It was my first pregnancy; I was so excited as all the mums who are pregnant for the first time. Despite having problem of polycystic ovaries, I fell pregnant within few months of marriage. My husband and I were excited about going for a scan at 5months, wanting to know if it was a boy or a girl. Little bit of disappointment and worry creeped up as I was lying down having my scan, when I looked at the face of the person doing the scan-who looked worried. My husband asked her if it was a boy or a girl. She said it’s a boy but asked us to wait in the waiting room to discuss with the consultant as there was a slight problem noticed in the baby.

We both were praying and waiting in the room when the doctor entered. She was explaining that our boy has a very rare condition called DANDY WALKER VARIANT in which a little part of his small brain (cerebellum) was missing. This could lead him to be mentally retarded or even his head could swell up with collection of fluid. They couldn’t tell me how he was going to be at that time. Hence, they offered me to do an amniocentesis (taking some fluid from the womb by inserting a needle) to test it and to abort if the baby is found to have problems. However, my husband and I refused to go for that test as we didn’t want to abort the baby. With tears in my eyes, we said to the doctor that we are going to pray. We informed our family members and church believers who prayed for us. Even some of the believers in medical field thought that we are going to struggle with a mentally retarded baby, and it was not a wise decision to carry on the pregnancy.

Since that day, I had to attend clinics every week. The doctors were scanning me and measuring the baby’s head circumference every week and they also did an MRI of his head when I was 7months pregnant. When I was around 32 weeks pregnant, the doctors found that there was no blood supply from me to the baby anymore. So, they admitted me and said that they need to take the baby out soon. I was given steroid injection to mature the lungs of the baby and at 34 weeks they decided to do caesarian section. They expected that the baby might need to be admitted to Neonatal ICU, as it might need ventilator support...etc. Hence, they transferred me to another hospital where there were ICU beds available and carried out the operation and took him out. I was praying that he should cry straight away and should not need any ventilation. Floods of tears rushed from me when I heard him cry as they took him out, after a quick hug they took him to the SCBU (special care baby unit). He was on oxygen for a couple of hours, IV infusion for a day and NG tube feeding for another 2/3 days then he started taking breast milk. He was only 1.25kgs. They discharged him after 3 weeks. They continued to review him and measure his head for few years, did an MRI when he was about 7 years old which still shows that condition remains but he’s growing to be a normal child.

"We are still attending follow ups once a year and the Neuro doctor is amazed and very happy whenever he sees him. Praise God! He’s doing well in his school and being a witness for Christ."

TESTIMONY 02 – God Held My Child Even in My Weak Placenta.

“I was so happy that all things worked for good and all my fear disappeared. As God promised in Romans:8:28 “all things God works for the good ”. God helped me to give birth to a Healthy baby boy. None of my health issues like thyroid or any other illness affected my child.
We christened our baby as “JOEN” which means “Gift from GOD”, Yeah truly he is a Gift from God.!!”

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Rom:8:28).

I’m going to share my testimony with you which I believe will give hope to the hopeless. By the purest Grace of Lord Jesus I was conceived right after a month of my marriage and during my pregnancy I had many health issues like thyroid and so on. Every day I used to lay my hands on my abdomen and pray to God for the child, its growth and especially for a normal delivery.

Before the due date of my delivery, because of leaking membrane, I was admitted in the hospital for delivery. I didn’t have any delivery pain even-though I was induced to give birth as I was in great pain. Doctors awaited from morning till noon, but the position of my baby’s head didn’t turn up in the right position for a normal delivery and it was mobile. So the Doctor informed us that I had less chance for a normal delivery and I have to go for a C-section to save the baby.

By hearing that I was devastated and my blood pressure level went high, because I am a person who always used to get scared even when I go for a vaccination. Fear filled me up, I can even remember the verse which comforted me in the labour room “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest” (Exodus:33:14). I was pondering on the word and prayed to God in the operation theatre, I saw a verse on a plaque where it was written “The Lord is my shepherd , I shall not be in want”(Psalms:23:1).

I gave birth to a baby boy through C- section, and during the surgery my Doctor exclaimed “Really, God’s grace is with you , because your placenta is very weak and feeble and it had multiple cysts too”. She continued saying that it is impossible for a child to grow in this thin bag, in addition to that she explained there is only two possibilities that could have happened, either the baby might got aborted at an early stage of pregnancy or it might not end up as a normal baby.

Initially I was so confused why God lead me through a C-section , but after hearing my Doctor’s words,

was so happy that all things worked for good and all my fear disappeared. As God promised in Romans:8:28 “all things God works for the good ”. God helped me to give birth to a Healthy baby boy. None of my health issues like thyroid or any other illness affected my child.

TESTIMONY 03 – God healed me completely and prevented the scheduled operation for removing the limbs due to Peripheral Artery Disease.

We christened our baby as “JOEN” which means “Gift from GOD”, Yeah truly he is a Gift from God.!!

“When the surgeon went to inspect the leg, he could not figure out which leg needed to be amputated! The chart said one thing, but that is not what he was seeing. Her leg had been completely healed, and although the surgeon had no explanation, my friend certainly knew who had healed her. She then spent the next thirty minutes explaining to the doctor it was God who healed her leg.   God still heals!  Praise God!”

I was talking to a friend, who happens to be elderly, about a prayer request she had regarding one of her legs. The background of her condition was that she had developed Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) due to her type 2 diabetes. PAD causes blood vessels to narrow and reduces blood flow to the legs and feet, thus causing one to develop sores and, eventually, the loss of a limb. Her sickness was well advanced, and by the time I was talking to her, the diagnosis was completed, and the surgery date was fixed just a few days away. I knew things were bad because I could see the bandages on her leg needed to be redressed due to the open sores. She had advanced so far into the sickness that the removal of the leg was the only option, or so everyone thought. 

I got down on my knees next to her and put my hands on her bandaged leg. I was a little worried that I was going to hurt her, but I knew the prayer would be short, and the prayer would be worth any discomfort she was temporarily in. I prayed, acknowledging Jesus as the ultimate healer and asked for him to take away any discomfort or pain she was in. I prayed for the doctors and nurses who were going to take care of her during and after the operation. I prayed for the surgery itself, and that Jesus would reassure her of his presence during the surgery. And then I felt a boldness to pray for a full healing of the leg. I mentioned that God raised Jesus from the dead, and that he healed so many people throughout his ministry here on earth and that he still heals people today. I ended the prayer and gave my friend a hug and said I would check up on her after the surgery. 

A few days later, I got a call from my friend. She had seen the doctor, and she wanted to tell me all about it. I asked her about the surgery and thought it was a little strange she would be calling me. I had fully planned to visit her in the hospital t, but the operation never happened. She was telling me this with tears in her eyes. Although I could not physically see her because we were on the phone, I could definitely tell there were tears in her eyes because of the way she was sniffling over the phone. These were tears of joy. She told me she went to the hospital, and during the pre-opt, when the surgeon went to inspect the leg, he could not figure out which leg needed to be amputated! The chart said one thing, but that is not what he was seeing. Her leg had been completely healed, and although the surgeon had no explanation, my friend certainly knew who had healed her. She then spent the next thirty minutes explaining to the doctor it was God who healed her leg.  

God still heals!  Praise God!

Testimony 04 – My Healer Protected me after a Major Accident and made me walk again.

“God’s words gave me hope and strength to walk. I realized one thing after the incident and that was “Trusting God in light is nothing but to trust him while our skies are grey, that is faith”

With faith we even can move the mountains and that worked out for me. If God says yes then nobody can say no. Trust God, don’t give up and have faith. He is the healer and faith can move mountains. “

I am Glady, a physiotherapist by profession. I am here to witness the miracle which God has done for me. Even though I was born In a Christian family, I was always cynical and lacked faith on God, until I met with an accident on May 3rd, 2019, which completely changed by life. A car dashed my bike and dragged me up about 50 meters away. For few minutes no one noticed that I was thrown away. Later many people ran and came to lift me up. My hair was under the car wheel, and I was unable to get up and was taken to the nearest hospital. Everyone thought that I was dying and was unconscious and I was totally unaware of what was happening around me. I could still remember pleading with God to save me in my subconscious and I was feeling the touch of the God. My body gets shivers even now when typing this about the presence of God’s power which I felt in myself. I was unconscious for more than 2 hours and I was aware that God had healed me and protected me from the verge of my death.

When I regained consciousness, do you know what I did? I shouted and just said, “Thank you Jesus”. I knew that by His stripes I will be healed and true to His promise His stripes healed me. After the doctor’s examination, the people around me where shocked because I escaped with just few minor wounds. Despite being dragged by a car on the road, I sustained only minor wound s and a deep cut on my ankle. The wounds and the cut were nothing when compared to the seriousness of the accident. My whole family were so worried, but by the grace of the God I started to walk on my 10th day after 4 dressings, I cried while walking, but God’s words gave me hope and strength to walk. I realized one thing after the incident and that was: “Trusting God in light is nothing but to trust him while our skies are grey, that is faith”

With faith we even can move the mountains and that worked out for me. If God says yes then nobody can say no. Trust God, don’t give up and have faith. He is the healer and faith can move mountains.

Testimony 05 – God miraculously healed by broken pelvis.

“Friday morning, I woke up. Humm—not as much pain and I was able to stand on my feet much longer. By Sunday (not kidding) I was throwing horseshoes with my boy pain free, loaded and unloaded 3 moving trucks and I’ve been on the go ever since. I thank my Lord Jesus Christ and His faithful servant Bruce Carlson for the miracle of healing.”

Three days before Thanksgiving, my daughter and I decided to go horse riding. While warming up the horses in our arena, I was thrown by my young horse. I knew it was serious; I couldn’t move, and the pain was excruciating. After X-rays and CAT scan they discovered I had separated my pelvis front to back along with internal injuries. After a few days in the ICU and sometime in recovery, I was back home and on the mend. With the help of physiotherapy, I was back on my feet in just six weeks. All seemed to be going well but the pain in my hips began to increase. Around three months after the accident, I could barely walk and the pain was unbearable.  More X-rays and a MRI showed that my pelvis had become “unstable” & separating again, putting pressure on my hip joints. My orthopaedic surgeons only recommendation was a plan that involved metal plates, screws, along with the risk that it might not relieve the pain and it could break as I take part in various activities. None of the options sounded good and so, depressed and feeling defeated my wife and I began to pray.

God had a better plan that I just didn’t know at that time. My friend James came over to shoe my horse and realized how painful it was for me to just stand keeping the horse calm. He mentioned that his friend Bruce Carlson was in town and that he had prayed for people like me and God healed them. He wondered if I would be interested in visiting him and see what God might do.

I met them at his ranch. I shared with Bruce what had happened and how my pelvis actually shifted and separated as I tried to move, and how the pain was so bad that  I was barely able to walk, sit, or stand.  He asked me to have a seat right there in a straight back chair. Bruce took and held the heels of my feet in his hands, the three of us could all see that the right one was an inch or so shorter than the other. We could see that the pelvis was out of alignment. Bruce began to pray taking God’s word as true and trusting Christ would do as He promised. As He prayed, I saw with my own eyes the right heel goes out and pass the other then come back perfectly the same as the left. God is putting your pelvis back in alignment, Bruce explained. He asked me to stand as he prayed laying his hands on my hips, again believing on Christ and His word for the power of healing. I could feel like someone squeezing the SI joints together. When Bruce had finished praying for me, I could tell that something was different. Still in pain I went home - that was Thursday. Friday morning, I woke up. Humm—not as much pain and I was able to stand on my feet much longer. By Sunday (not kidding) I was throwing horseshoes with my boy pain free, loaded and unloaded 3 moving trucks and I’ve been on the go ever since. I thank my Lord Jesus Christ and His faithful servant Bruce Carlson for the miracle of healing.

Testimony 06 – God gifted me twins from a week body

“I was shocked and jumping with excitement telling my husband how great God is. It's been more than 7 years now that I was healed and never did, I have that pain again.

That verse "Be still and know that I am God" whenever I read always reminds me those days of anxiety and great pain.”

I always believed God blessed me with a healthy and strong body compared with other women. But when I was around 28years old, I took a life insurance policy which required a medical examination. The insurance agent came back to me with a news that was devastating....that I have had a heart attack before and that my ECG readings were abnormal.

To confirm I was taken to 3 more doctors who also said the same. My menstrual cycle was also irregular because of PCOD. I refused to believe these reports but was praying over it.

Later when I got married, I had my blood pressure shoot up high a couple of times. I was told by doctor it might be difficult to conceive with my condition. I was very depressed and anxious about this all. We went behind so many doctors for the blood pressure examination. Finally, we met with a great chief doctor of a well reputed hospital for heart. He said i have no problems except for the PCOD which shoots up my pressure when there's a hormonal change.

Meanwhile I confessed all my wrong ways, and I plead for forgiveness to my God.

Finally, I received a verse as response: Isaiah 54: 7 - 9

“For a moment, I forsook you but with great compassion I will gather you. In overflowing wrath for a moment, I hid my face from you, but with everlasting love I will have compassion on you, says the Lord, your Redeemer”

Later I gave birth to twin boys which I always thought as a sign of forgiveness. It was a great joy that can't be put in words.

Meanwhile my husband prayed for my PCOD issues every day in family prayer for 18 months and we never went to any doctor for treatment. It just got healed without my knowledge and I am just doing perfect past 7-8 years now. My first delivery was a bundle of joy from God but brought lot of tough moments behind.

One of them was my stomach ulcer.
Post delivery, I suffered very poor health and was helpless with this stomach ulcer. It was a huge pain day and night whether I eat or not or whatever I eat. I didn't even have time to visit a doctor or think through a way to get healed as I had to look after 2 premature babies.

I was very anxious and worried how I would raise up the third child with the elder ones hardly 2 years old and with my poorest health condition. That time I got a verse from God which I held on to.

Psalm 46:10

" Be still and know that I am God" One day when I was getting closer to the delivery date, I was struggling with this ulcer pain full of tears I cried to the Lord " God I can't imagine managing three kids with this enormous pain. I just can't handle it anymore. So please heal me the day my child is born"

I seriously didn't know why I prayed that way.

I was still in pain every day and night 24hours, but I forgot what I prayed.

After 3-4 weeks, I was in the operation theatre preparing for the delivery and I still was experiencing that same excruciating pain in my stomach. When I bore a daughter, I totally forgot about everything, and my eyes were on her all the time. It was a huge joy that God put in me that after 5 days did, I realise that the ulcer pain was not there from the moment I bore my child.

I was shocked and jumping with excitement telling my husband how great God is. It's been more than 7 years now that I was healed and never did, I have that pain again. That verse "Be still and know that I am God" whenever I read always reminds me those days of anxiety and great pain.

Testimony 07 – My Cancer Was Healed Completely

“On 12 December 2011, God gave me an excellent report. The X-ray films showed the lungs were all cleared except for the scarring in the right upper lobe and the blood tests of the liver, kidneys and everything else has returned to normal. Praise God for God’s healing miracle.”

I thank God for His mercies and grace for His healing of my fourth stage lung cancer. In March 2011, I went for a routine checkup and the X-ray showed a shadow in my right upper lobe.

As I sat in front of the doctor, all kinds of questions raced through my mind. A biopsy and scan revealed more bad news. The shadow turned out to be a 2.2×2.3×2.8 nodule on the right upper lobe with additional ground glass opacity nodular lesions in the left upper and right lower lobe. It was confirmed that I had advanced multi-focal cancer involving both lungs.

As the news sank in, I began to be filled with fears and anxieties. I felt that I did not have much time left. I started to clear and dispose my stuff. I cried out to our Lord for help, and He heard my cries for He said to me in
Psalms 118:17,

“I shall not die but live to declare the works of the Lord.”

I was put on chemotherapy, and I began to suffer the side effects.

By God’s grace, on 30 October 2011, I stepped into Cornerstone Community Church. I believe God was leading me as I was seeking Him. The worship songs and messages gave me comfort and assurance that Jesus is Lord and has power over heaven and earth. Nothing is too hard or impossible for Him. I claimed His Word in Jeremiah 33:3.

“Call unto me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which thou knowest not.”

On 27 November 2011, after the service, I responded to the altar call by Matheus Van der Steen. Praise the Lord, He led me to step forward. During the anointing prayer, I had an excruciating pain in my head and as a sister continued to pray, the pain went away.

I thank God for sending Martin, Soh Hian and Francis to visit, pray and encourage me through this difficult period. Their belief and confidence in our Lord Jesus who will heal gave me peace. After each service, I stepped forward for the healing prayer. Praise the Lord, two weeks before my monthly review, I had the peace that I was already healed because He is my Jehovah-Rapha.

On 12 December 2011, God gave me an excellent report. The X-ray films showed the lungs were all cleared except for the scarring in the right upper lobe and the blood tests of the liver, kidneys and everything else has returned to normal. Praise God for God’s healing miracle.

Testimony 08 : Healed from Cancer Completely

“The Lord healed Jim of this very aggressive cancer. We give Him the glory.” We rejoice with the family that Jim did indeed experience the goodness of the Lord and receive his healing on that June morning as everyone was leaving.”

One Sunday morning in 2019, at the end of our Forerunner Christian Fellowship morning services, one small family group remained at the front where people had been receiving prayer ministry. They were huddled around a man in his fifties, and had a look of concern, hoping for a tangible touch of the goodness of the Lord. As they were preparing to leave, two of our pastors were asked to pray for the man. They prayed. The family thanked them. Names were exchanged, and everyone went their separate ways. And that is sometimes all that happens when we pray for and minister to people. We pray into the promises of God, and are left leaning into the goodness and sovereignty of the Lord, not knowing what happened to the one for whom we prayed.

Four weeks later, we received an email from the family, as follows:

“In June this year, we were in Kansas City for a wedding and decided to attend Forerunner Christian Fellowship after spending half an hour in the prayer room. At the end of the service, my brother decided to go forward for prayer. He has been battling stage IV cancer. A couple of the church elders prayed for him. The following is an email from one of my brother’s doctors.

“Jim* has had stage IV cancer. It’s metastasized, causing four masses in his brain. It has also metastasized to his lymphatic system and to the lining around the lung. On Tuesday, June 24, two days after he was prayed for, Jim had a scan and was pronounced completely cancer free. This is impossible and can only happen with medical treatment. The Lord healed Jim of this very aggressive cancer. We give Him the glory.”

We rejoice with the family that Jim did indeed experience the goodness of the Lord and receive his healing on that June morning as everyone was leaving.

I was put on chemotherapy, and I began to suffer the side effects.

By God’s grace, on 30 October 2011, I stepped into Cornerstone Community Church. I believe God was leading me as I was seeking Him. The worship songs and messages gave me comfort and assurance that Jesus is Lord and has power over heaven and earth. Nothing is too hard or impossible for Him. I claimed His Word in Jeremiah 33:3.

“Call unto me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which thou knowest not.”

“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” (Ephesians 3:20–21)

Testimony 09 –Tumour, no more!

“I noticed after about a month, the tumour got smaller. I wasn’t surprised, because I knew I was healed. Within six months’ time, it was completely gone. God is the real healers, and he heals even now. Trust him. “

Mike didn’t pay much attention to the small sore on his chest. It started out as a minor annoyance—an itch that wouldn’t go away. But after a year, he decided to get it checked out.

“When I first walked into the doctor’s office, I wasn’t afraid, just curious as to what was causing this sore,” remembers Mike. “But the doctor took one look, and the next thing I knew, he had me scheduled for an emergency surgery.” Mike wasn’t clear about the diagnosis at first—malignant neoplasm—and asked his wife to research it while he returned to work.

His wife called him at work with the layman’s terminology: “malignant skin tumour.” A spirit of fear instantly gripped him. “My pastor told me not to do anything in fear, so I cancelled my surgery until I could get peace,” says Mike.

Mike’s doctor called him back immediately, warning him of the seriousness of his condition and letting him know that if he refused surgery, he would remove himself as his doctor.

This drove Mike further into fear, but deep down, he knew God could heal him. He turned to God’s Word. He searched the Word looking for things he could do to get God to move on his behalf. “I was taught that everything God did for me was based on my performance. As soon as I thought I’d finally measured up, the bar got raised, and I had to do more.”

As Mike struggled with confusion and discouragement, the lesion changed into a tumour and began growing at an alarming rate. “I was told that it could metastasize throughout my body, and that’s what began happening,” says Mike. “For the next five years, it clung to me and sucked the life right out of me. I grew so weak, I had to quit my job, give up the business I started, and at one point, even had hold my head up to eat.”

As Mike struggled with confusion and discouragement, the lesion changed into a tumour and began growing at an alarming rate. “I was told that it could metastasize throughout my body, and that’s what began happening,” says Mike. “For the next five years, it clung to me and sucked the life right out of me. I grew so weak, I had to quit my job, give up the business I started, and at one point, even had hold my head up to eat.”

"I started praying believing in the word of God. Our family and all prayer partners prayed. Initially there was no improvement, but we never gave up our prayers. Prayers started changing things. Faith can change any situation and “I noticed after about a month, the tumour got smaller. I wasn’t surprised, because I knew I was healed. Within six months’ time, it was completely gone. God is the real healer, and he heals even now in the modern world. Trust him. “

Testimony10 -God Protected and Healed Me Miraculously From A major Heart Attack

“Our financial situation was not strong, and we could not afford to pay but God opened his resources for us and gracefully we got the money for the surgery from various people. God not only safeguarded me from the verge of death but also helped in getting a proper treatment and provided the funds to pay for the operation. God is so good, and I will always trust Him fully.”

Psalm 46 says

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”

This verse came true in my life on October 4th of 2019. I had been feeling much tired in my body for a couple of days and on that day, I became totally sick. We thought that it was giddiness or some sort of tiredness due to my being diabetic.
We went to a specialist for a consultation, and he was not available on that day. I started sweating so much and I could feel that I was about to collapse. My husband noticed that I was about to collapse, and we were struck in the middle of the road, where to proceed and which doctor to consult. And at that moment we rushed into a nearby hospital. Doctors examined and took ECHO and ECG, and they said everything is fine. The tiredness might be because of the low sugar. We were happy with the results, and we went back home. However, the pain and the tiredness didn’t help me to fall asleep even for a single minute in the night. I was saying aloud all the promises which God has promised, and I kept the faith that my life is in His hand and no enemy can take it away without His will.

The next day the same situation continued, and my son asked to consult some other hospital, and he arranged an appointment with a specialist and we explained everything that happened the previous day. After looking at ECG report he confirmed that the ECG has not been taken properly and asked to take another ECG then and there. After that the specialist told me that I have had a massive heart attack the previous day. It was the grace of God which saved me that day. They asked to admit to the hospital immediately as they wanted to monitor my condition. Doctor said that due to massive attack which happened yesterday and there are more chances of cardiac arrest.

I was monitored for 2 days and was asked to go for surgery.

Our financial situation was not strong, and we could not afford to pay but God opened his resources for us and gracefully we got the money for the surgery from various people. God not only safeguarded me from the verge of death but also helped in getting a proper treatment and provided the funds to pay for the operation. God is so good and I will always trust Him fully at all times.

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